The English language is considered international and everyone should know it at least at the basic level. Nowadays English seems to be everywhere: in business, travel, science, Internet, films etc. This language unites people from different parts of the world and helps to obtain more knowledge from a variety of information sources.
If you love teaching, helping people and have a good level of English, teaching volunteer programs may definitely interest you. And what can be better than doing your favorite job and traveling at the same time? In this article, we will present you with the list of volunteering options for English teachers.
1. EnglishStay, Czech Republic
The Czech organization called “EnglishStay” offers everyone an opportunity to get teaching experience in their annual volunteer project. There are three programs open for the season of 2017, as well as three more programs for the season of 2018. All the details on location, dates and even feedback from other teachers are available online.
Young teachers are given a chance to travel across the Czech Republic, live in beautiful medieval buildings and teach English to Czech children and students. The main requirements for a candidate are a high level of English and a Schengen visa for non-EU residents. In total, 15 volunteer teachers are needed for each weekly program. “EnglishStay” provides accommodation, meals and transfer from Prague to the location. If you like to participate in this project, you can complete an online application.

Czech Republic
2. Volunteer English Teacher, China
The Chinese organization “Volunteer English Teacher” invites volunteers from all over the world to teach English to the children, who live in mountain villages of the Guilin/Yangshuo area of Guangxi Province. Unfortunately, many families there struggle to send their children to school. The main goal of the organization is to give children a chance to learn English, introduce them to a foreign culture and help feel comfortable among people of different backgrounds.
The volunteer may choose the period of work by himself, but it should not be less than 1 week. All teachers are required to conduct two 40-minute English lessons per day. In return, the organization will provide housing and some meals. The main requirement for candidates is a good level of English. Higher education is not necessary but would be an advantage. In order to apply for the program, you need to contact the organization via email, which can be found on the official website.

Yangshuo, China
3. SVS School for English, Sri Lanka
The governmental school of English “SVS” in Sri Lanka waits for volunteer teachers all throughout the year. The school’s mission is to provide affordable English language training for everyone by offering classes from Elementary to Upper-Intermediate.
The minimum volunteering period is 6 months. The main requirement for volunteers is a high level of English: preferably a native speaker or certified English teacher or at least 3 years of relevant experience. Teachers will have to conduct 30 academic hours per week for different age groups (children and adults). All volunteers are provided with accommodation, three meals per day and daily cash benefits.
You can apply for the program anytime just by completing an online application on the school’s website. Note, that transportation costs are not covered. “SVS School for English” helps volunteers with visa and provides a transfer from the Colombo airport.

Sri Lanka
4. SECMOL, India
The Students’ Educational and Cultural Movement of Ladakh (SECMOL) is an organization founded in 1988 and located in a high deserted region of India called Ladakh. SECMOL’s activity is aimed at creating a comfortable atmosphere for conducting various studies among young students. Over the time, the project grew into an eco-village, where volunteers, students, teachers and staff live, work and learns together.
In order to have a chance for a successful integration into the modern world of scientific community, Indian students need a high level of English. Therefore SECMOL has English teachers on-site and welcomes volunteers to help educate students. The main staff usually teaches regular classes and volunteers are asked to come up with new exciting ways of teaching. Volunteers with a lot of experience can either teach the class directly or help developing teaching materials or methods. Volunteers may be also asked to stay in remote villages and help with teaching in schools there.
The minimum volunteering period is 4 weeks, but if you need a certificate, you’ll have to stay for the minimum of 6 weeks. SECMOL provides housing at their campus for Rs 550 per day in shared rooms. The price also includes vegetarian meals.

Ladakh, India
5. English Institute “CONNECTIONS”, Colombia
The English language teachers from all over the world have an opportunity to gain teaching experience at English Institute “CONNECTIONS” in the town of Ibague near the capital of Colombia. During the program, you will have to conduct from 1 to 4 lessons per day for children and adults. In return, the Institute provides volunteers with free accommodation, one meal per day and free Spanish classes. During the weekends you will be offered different activities, such as rock climbing, camping, rappelling or hiking.
The minimum period of the volunteer program is 2 weeks with a possibility to extend the stay. Those who want to work in Colombia will be offered help with the visa. Applications are accepted online on the Institute’s official website.

6. Ometepe Bilingual School, Nicaragua
Ometepe Bilingual School is a free English language school located in the rural community of Merida on the Ometepe Island in Nicaragua. The school is looking for volunteers to teach English to local grade and high school students.
All volunteers must have a good level of English. The knowledge of Spanish is not required but may be a benefit. The minimum period of the program is 2 weeks with a payable fee of $200. The school arranges accommodating and meals. Volunteers usually have three classes a day during the work week and one class on Saturday. There is a high-speed Internet access available to teachers and students. The School is very particular in selecting volunteers and expects teachers to set a good example for children. No smoking or drinking allowed in front of the students.
If you are interested in the program, send the information (name, dates of availability, experience, contact details etc.) to the email address, which can be found on the school’s official website.

Ometepe Island, Nicaragua